Friday, June 28, 2013


I am a HUGE believer in gratitude.  I have noticed immense changes in my life when I am grateful for the little things that I do have, rather than think about the things that I don't have.  In a book I read recently, I ran across Newton's law of motion.  The law is, "Every action always has an opposite and equal reaction," meaning that if we count the blessings we have we will only bring more, vice versa.  
Sometimes it can be difficult to have gratitude if nothing seems to be going right.  How are we supposed to be happy in situations where we may have lost a dog, or a loved one, or ended a relationship? That is tough part about gratitude, but if you ever have experienced one of those situations you might know that the longer you dwell on the bad the worse it gets.  The only thing left to do is pick up and move on and be happy for what you have.  

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